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Nels Anderson


Rural Rhythms

Nels Anderson and Cowboy Ted have known each other for over 8-years and although they share no DNA - CT and his family consider Nels and his wife Dani and their dogs to be "Family". They all love Rural Lifestyles too.

Nels and Cowboy Ted have hosted dozens of events together and recently decided they both wanted to focus on reaching out to share their programs with Rural Kids and Families.

Nels and Rural Rhythms now exclusively host all of the Rural Communities, arts, after-school and out-of-school programs for Cowboy Ted & Friends.

Nels grew up in a rural area and learned to love nature, gardening, building forts and
raising all sorts of animals.

He also worked and lived on a permaculture farm in Costa Rica, which inspired him to return home and get a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

Nels is the owner of Rural Rhythms and the co-owner of Bowerbird Art Studio.
With ownership of these companies he mixes the sciences and arts to create new experiences for himself and others.

He hosts drum circles, teaches kids how to juggle and other fun rhythm based activities. He also hosts programs on how to build and launch safe backyard rockets.

Nels seeks to create an environment where people can learn new and unique things about themselves through rhythm, science, and play.

His programs meet STEM guidelines and expectations. His programs also implement Recreation and Arts - expanding STEM into STREAM.

Although Nels never considered himself a musician, he discovered he loved working
with groups of humans and was amazed by the power of rhythm and laughter to bring
people together.

By creating Rural Rhythms he continues to share rhythm experiences with Rural Communities for all ages.

Over the last 15+ years he has worked with tens of thousands of people both nationally and internationally, and he continues to develop innovative Rural Rhythms programs for youth and adults.

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